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Male Aspies thoughts and experience in life with Asperger's Syndrome

Brian's Page

Two Notes of Encouragement From The Past

When I was in high school, way back in the early-to-mid sixties, I posted a sign (with permission of the school staff) on a bulletin board in a hallway. The sign was the size of standard bristolboard at that time. It had on it two quotations, with the authors. The first quote was from the German philosopher Goethe, and the second one was from the Roman poet, Propertius. Both were taken from an old 1923 encyclopedia:

"The important thing in life is to have a goal, and have the aptitude and perseverence to attain it." -Goethe

"I am climbing a difficult road, but the glory that attains success gives me strength for the labor." -Propertius

These two statements were like mentors for me, as an a person with Asperger's, without any knowledge of, or even label for this lifestyle for over fifty years. Despite the lack of understanding, both on my part and on the part of others around me, these two statements were like a guiding hand during those years, in a world of social darkness ...

© Brian Henson

Nov 30, 2007 - Aspergeradults.ca Message Forum


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as of December 7, 2007

Last up-dated December 8, 2007